Book selection featuring the artwork and teaching of Caspar
New Masters of Poster Design
By John Foster, 2008
“The most heartwarming compliment I’ve received is when a passerby mentioned that seeing my poster in their street made their everyday life more beautiful, even if just for a moment,” says designer François Caspar. The impressive roster of galleries and museums that exhibit his work, as well as the awards he has received, are certainly a source of pride. Caspar’s bold design sensibilities, utilization of prominent central imagery, and inherent playfulness create a timeless allure with a distinct French twist.
One by One
By Jianping He, 2012
The book showcases the work of 500 graphic designers and illustrators from around the world, offering a comprehensive overview of contemporary international design. Countries such as Germany, Switzerland, the USA, France—including François Caspar—, and the Netherlands dominate the list, with China (mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan) and Japan leading the way in the Asian sector. The book features a diverse selection, spanning from legendary designers to the younger generation. This idealistic project is dedicated to graphic designers worldwide.
Design School Confidential
By Steven Heller and Lita Talarico, 2009
Every great design school in the world is, in part, defined by the work of its students at any given time. The various project challenges given to a class not only determine the success of a school's pedagogy but also showcase the ingenuity of its faculty and students. This book features fifty real-world class assignments from top design programs at universities worldwide. It highlights a course and workshop led by François Caspar at the University of Art and Design in Helsinki and at the Maryse Eloy School of Art in Paris.